Friday 15 November 2013

Google Auto Spam

Apologize to my reader. "Men in Focus" blog was tagged and suspended by Google last month due to it was tagged as auto-spam. After requested to Google to review it, only this week the blog was activated again. Sorry for any inconveniences.

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Laporan CCRIS - Portfolio Kredit Anda

Salam Ramadhan kepada para pembaca. Tetiba pagi ni terfikir untuk mencoret sedikit mengenai laporan CCRIS. Laporan CCRIS merupakan senarai yang disimpan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia mengenai laporan kewangan kita, ini termasuklah senarai hutang kita iaitu jumlah pinjaman, kadar faedah, baki tertunggak, senarai permohonan pinjaman kita sama ada diluluskan atau tidak. Laporan ini akan dikemaskini apabila pihak pemberi hutang seperti bank menghantar maklumat-maklumat terkini mengenai transaksi hutang kita dengan bank.

Laporan ini juga diguna-pakai oleh institusi bank untuk menilai kemampuan kita menampung liabiliti atau hutang baru. Laporan ini antara punca utama sama ada institusi bank akan meluluskan permohonan pinjaman kita atau tidak. Kebiasaannya, bank berkemungkinan meluluskan pinjaman baru sekiranya liabiliti terkini kita kurang 50% dari pendapatan, walau bagaimanapun ini semua atas budi bicara institusi bank terbabit.

Adalah penting untuk kita memastikan laporan ini adalah terkini dan setepat yang mungkin untuk memastikan rekod kewangan kita adalah benar di dalam database BNM ini. Kita dibenarkan untuk memohon laporan CCRIS 3 bulan sekali dan proses pemohonan laporan ini agak mudah.

Sekiranya anda berada berhampiran dengan HQ atau cawangan BNM, hanya perlu hadir ke BNM bersama MyKad anda. Terdapat kiosk layan diri di situ di mana anda perlu memasukkan MyKad dan scan ibu jari untuk mendapat salinan Laporan CCRIS yang akan dicetak di kiosk terbabit. Senarai cawangan BNM seperti di bawah :

  1. Head Office - Jalan Dato' Onn, Kuala Lumpur
  2. Cawangan Pulau Pinang -  Jalan Corner Light
  3. Cawangan Johor Bahru - Jalan Bukit Timbalan
  4. Cawangan Kota Kinabalu - Jalan Lapan Belas
  5. Cawangan Kuala Terengganu - Jalan Sultan Mohamad
  6. Cawangan Kuching - Jalan Satok
  7. Cawangan Shah Alam - Persiaran Tasek
Sekiranya anda tidak berhampiran dengan cawangan BNM, boleh juga mendapatkan laporan CCRIS melalui pos, fax atau email. Sediakan dokumen berikut :
  1. Credit Report Request Form (CRR)
  2. Borang Pengisytiharan Pinjaman
  3. Salinan photocopy MyKad
  4. Salinan mana-mana dua antara dokumen di bawah. Dokumen berikut perlulah mempunyai nama dan alamat pemohon :
    • Lesen memandu
    • Passport
    • Bil air
    • Bil elektrik
    • Bil telefon

Sekiranya tiada, boleh juga melampirkan dokumen berikut:
    • Statement akaun bank
    • Statement kad kredit
    • Statement KWSP

CRR dan Borang Pengisytiharan Pinjaman boleh didapati di website atau klik di sini.

Hantarkan borang dokumen terbabit sama ada melalui pox, fax atau email ke alamat di bawah:

LINK & Regional Offices
Bank Negara Malaysia 
Jalan Dato' Onn 
P.O Box 10922 
50929 Kuala Lumpur 
Fax No: +603 2174 1515

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Debt Free, Finally!

30th April 2013 – A date to be remembered in my life. Why? I finally cleared my RM100,000 of debt to bank. All thanks to the most appreciated service from AKPK.

 I still remembered 5 years ago when I suddenly noticed that I am deadly stupid in my personal financial management and arrogantly extravagant-excessive spender behavior had lead me to be drown in RM100,000 of debt in credit card and personal loan. The monthly payment to clear that debt was RM7,000, not even close to be covered by my salary. I was trying to survive by using the ever popular concept of “dig hole, cover hole” but to no avail. I was basically crawling (metaphor) from bank to bank to beg them to convert the debt to term loan and reduce the monthly payment and more than once was scolded away by the “ever-so-polite” collection agent of the bank.

It was June 2008 when BNM took me in its cradle through the Debt Management Program of AKPK. I did heard all the bad stories of black listing in AKPK but trust me, when you stuck in a debt of RM100,000, the idea of black list or bankruptcy suddenly did not sound so bad.

When I finally approved to be in the DMP of AKPK, every bad stories and rumors that I heard were slowly dissolve away. The very first time called by my counselor or financial consultant from AKPK, he said “Nothing to worry about. Your case is really not that serious. We can manage and settle this debt in no time”, which was most appreciated comforts that direly needed that time after the nightmares I had while working with bank’s collection agent.

For 5 years with AKPK, I surrendered half of my salary monthly (much much less than the minimum payment of RM7,000) to pay the debt. AKPK stand by me, shielding me from the rudeness of bank’s collection agent and lawyers, in his word “Not to worry. Just ignore them and keep paying the monthly payment”.

True to his word, I should not have to worry, since with the discipline to pay the debt had lead me to finally be debt free from the credit cards and personal loans. In the tenure of 5 years, I also were given the time and opportunity to reconstruct my personal finance, lifestyle and overall of my life in order to be smarter in financial and be more cunning towards banks “services”. Now, like phoenix resurrect from the ash, I shine again, proudly to be a better, financial-smarter person, to breathe the fresh air of debt free life. Let’s enjoy a debt free life everyone!